Selected publications
J Nutr. 2015 Sep;145(9):2025-32.
Agave Inulin Supplementation Affects the Fecal Microbiota of Healthy Adults Participating in a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Trial.
Holscher HD, Bauer LL, Gourineni V, Pelkman CL, Fahey GC Jr, Swanson KS.
Food Funct. 2014 Jun;5(6):1142-9.
Gastrointestinal tolerance and utilization of agave inulin by healthy adults.
Holscher HD1, Doligale JL, Bauer LL, Gourineni V, Pelkman CL, Fahey GC, Swanson KS.
Adv Nutr. 2015 Mar 13;6(2):198-205.
Role of resistant starch in improving gut health, adiposity, and insulin resistance.
Keenan MJ, Zhou J, Hegsted M, Pelkman C, Durham HA, Coulon DB, Martin RJ.
J Food Sci. 2014 Dec;79(12):H2550-6.
The effects of whole grain high-amylose maize flour as a source of resistant starch on blood glucose, satiety, and food intake in young men.
Luhovyy BL, Mollard RC, Yurchenko S, Nunez MF, Berengut S, Liu TT, Smith CE, Pelkman CL, Anderson GH.
Food Funct. 2014 Oct;5(10):2574-81.
Satiety effects of a whole-grain fibre composite ingredient: reduced food intake and appetite ratings.
Harrold J, Breslin L, Walsh J, Halford J, Pelkman C.
Mol Nutr Food Res. 2017 Jan;61(1).
Obese ZDF rats fermented resistant starch with effects on gut microbiota but no reduction in abdominal fat.
Goldsmith F, Guice J, Page R, Welsh DA, Taylor CM, Blanchard EE, Luo M, Raggio AM, Stout RW, Carvajal-Aldaz D, Gaither A, Pelkman C, Ye J, Martin RJ, Geaghan J, Durham HA, Coulon D, Keenan MJ.
Obesity (Silver Spring). 2014 Feb;22(2):344-8.
Resistant starch from high amylose maize (HAM-RS2) and dietary butyrate reduce abdominal fat by a different apparent mechanism.
Vidrine K, Ye J, Martin RJ, McCutcheon KL, Raggio AM, Pelkman C, Durham HA, Zhou J, Senevirathne RN, Williams C, Greenway F, Finley J, Gao Z, Goldsmith F, Keenan MJ.
J Nutr. 2012 Apr;142(4):717-23.
Resistant starch from high-amylose maize increases insulin sensitivity in overweight and obese men.
Maki KC, Pelkman CL, Finocchiaro ET, Kelley KM, Lawless AL, Schild AL, Rains TM.
Appetite. 2008 Jul;51(1):111-9.
Effects of L-phenylalanine on energy intake in overweight and obese women: interactions with dietary restraint status.
Pohle-Krauza RJ, Navia JL, Madore EY, Nyrop JE, Pelkman CL.
Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Jan;87(1):247S-257S.
Measuring the glycemic index of foods: interlaboratory study.
Wolever TM, Brand-Miller JC, Abernethy J, Astrup A, Atkinson F, Axelsen M, Björck I, Brighenti F, Brown R, Brynes A, Casiraghi MC, Cazaubiel M, Dahlqvist L, Delport E, Denyer GS, Erba D, Frost G, Granfeldt Y, Hampton S, Hart VA, Hätönen KA, Henry CJ, Hertzler S, Hull S, Jerling J, Johnston KL, Lightowler H, Mann N, Morgan L, Panlasigui LN, Pelkman C, Perry T, Pfeiffer AF, Pieters M, Ramdath DD, Ramsingh RT, Robert SD, Robinson C, Sarkkinen E, Scazzina F, Sison DC, Sloth B, Staniforth J, Tapola N, Valsta LM, Verkooijen I, Weickert MO, Weseler AR, Wilkie P, Zhang J.
Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 Dec;86(6):1595-602.
Novel calcium-gelled, alginate-pectin beverage reduced energy intake in nondieting overweight and obese women: interactions with dietary restraint status.
Pelkman CL, Navia JL, Miller AE, Pohle RJ.
Appetite. 2008 Mar-May;50(2-3):215-22.
A high-glycemic meal pattern elicited increased subjective appetite sensations in overweight and obese women.
Arumugam V, Lee JS, Nowak JK, Pohle RJ, Nyrop JE, Leddy JJ, Pelkman CL.
Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 Feb;79(2):204-12.
Effects of moderate-fat (from monounsaturated fat) and low-fat weight-loss diets on the serum lipid profile in overweight and obese men and women.
Pelkman CL, Fishell VK, Maddox DH, Pearson TA, Mauger DT, Kris-Etherton PM.
Am J Clin Nutr. 2001 Jan;73(1):19-26.
Short-term effects of a progestational contraceptive drug on food intake, resting energy expenditure, and body weight in young women.
Pelkman CL, Chow M, Heinbach RA, Rolls BJ.
Am J Clin Nutr. 1998 Mar;67(3):412-20.
Energy density of foods affects energy intake in normal-weight women.
Bell EA1, Castellanos VH, Pelkman CL, Thorwart ML, Rolls BJ.